Project Detail

Oakland WWTP O&M

Total Cost
$13 million


The City of Topeka needed ongoing operation and maintenance for a new renewable natural gas (RNG) facility at their largest wastewater treatment plant. While the wastewater staff are skilled in the operation and maintenance of their wastewater plant, the learning curve was steep in terms of being able to startup, operate and maintain this new RNG facility. This coupled with a limited pool of qualified RNG operators caused the City to look for outside expertise.


Bartlett & West Operations provided facility startup services, worked closely with the design engineer, contractors, vendors, the pipeline company, state and Federal regulators, third-party engineers and offtake portfolio managers, and is now providing ongoing operation and maintenance of the RNG facility around the clock. The City is realizing significant environmental benefits by not flaring the digester gas, instead using the RNG facility to clean and compress it to natural gas quality. The gas is injected into a nearby gas pipeline and either becomes heating fuel for the locale, or can become vehicle fuel depending on where it Is marketed. The City generates new revenue now from this formerly wasted byproduct.


By using Bartlett & West Operations, the City was able to continue to focus on what they do best, operate and maintain the wastewater facility. They did not need to recruit and train new staff. The City is realizing new revenue from the sale of high-purity pipeline quality gas while reducing the flaring of waste gas into the atmosphere.

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